Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are making changes to keep our customers safe.

Our Food

A vegetarian sandwich in a takeout container

We offer a variety of sandwiches and baked goods that are irresistible! On top of it all, we offer foods that are both healthy and delicious. “Impossible,” you say? Not for us!

Our Mission

Someone holding 3 carrots with dirt still on them

Ever since the Sandwich Shack opened in 2000, we have aspired to provide our customers with organic and responsibly sourced foods.


A couple outdoor picnic tables

We are located in Luck Wisconsin. Our view of Big Butternut Lake makes the perfect spot for outdoor dining!

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Why we Love Composting

No Waste We believe that no food should go to waste. That’s why we use leftover and unusable food as compost in a community garden. Perfectly edible food is thrown away every day… What a Read more…

Why Organic?

The Sandwich Shack strives to serve organic food as much as possible. You may be wondering, “why organic?” Here are some of the top reasons to buy and eat organic foods: Its healthier Organic foods Read more…